Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cool Time Zone Math

I found this cool and simple for time zone math.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A>B and B > C then A > C

This is transitive.

Deetailed link is here:

By the way, set inclusion and equality are transitive.

Any issues on the pic?
Go all the way

நீயே உனக்கு என்றும் நிகரானவன்

From Wiki,
reflexive relation is a binary relation on a set for which every element is related to itself. In other words, a relation ~ on a set S is reflexive when x ~ x holds true for every x in S.[1][2] An example of a reflexive relation is the relation "is equal to" on the set of real numbers, since every real number is equal to itself. A reflexive relation is said to have the reflexive property or is said to possess reflexivity.

Intension vs Extension

Friday, April 04, 2008


அற்ற குளத்தில் அறுநீர்ப் பறவைபோல்
உற்றுழித் தீர்வர் உறவல்லர் -அக்குளத்தில்
கொட்டியும் ஆம்பலும் நெய்தலும் போலவே
ஒட்டி உறுவார் உறவு.

When a lake becomes dry all the birds that used to live there will fly away.
Whereas the vegetation over there do not leave the lake.
In the same way, People who fly away when they see us in trouble are not real Friends.
The real Friends always stay with us at troubled times.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


கல்லானே ஆனாலும் கைப்பொருள்ஒன் றுண்டாயின்
எல்லாரும் சென்றங் கெதிர்கொள்வர் - இல்லானை
இல்லாளும் வேண்டாள்(;) மற் றீன்றெடுத்த தாய்வேண்டாள்
செல்லா(து) அவன்வாயிற் சொல்.
- ஔவையார்

Though a Guy may be a fool but has some material possession everyone will go to him.
On the contrary, if one does not have anything his own wife will not need him.
His Mom will not need him.
His opinions will not weigh.

Monday, October 24, 2005

PThreads, Synchronization, Time, Space, Thoughts and Thinkers

While reading about POSIX threads I came across a sentence,
"Time is a Synchronization mechanism".

In software, synchronization means "prevent dependent and concurrent processes from colliding".The general synchronization means taking measures to make things happen in accordance.Yeah, I remember “Time is the mechanism to prevent things happening all at once”.

I am a strong believer in Immanuel Kant's principle about thoughts. According to him “Thoughts are already there. Only thinkers go and discover it.”
No concept is an invention.
I went on to think those thinkers are also already there? Only the time prevents all the thinkers to exist at the same time. And it also prevents to grasp all the thoughts immediately by thinkers. Otherwise World Wide Web would have been conceived by some one else other than Tim Berners Lee. Or Tim Berners Lee would have found it earlier.

Our forefathers have said very nicely.
"Iraivan adhi andam atravan(l)...Toonilum irupaan Thurumbilum irupaan(l)"
"God is infinity...he/she is there everywhere from a dust to a mighty pillar"

We keep on rediscovering the same....

I started thinking,
A child born, grown next moment, knows all the knowledge immediately, earns a lot of wealth, marries a girl, giving birth to few children and lives and dies with in few moments. Each child born to this person does the same thing in few moments. The thought expands to universe...the whole existence and non existence. After few minutes of thought it goes beyond my comprehension.

Still thinking…in the background thread...